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  • The developers of the <em>Remothered </em>saga discuss the creation of brand new IP <em>Batora: Lost Haven</em>

The developers of the <em>Remothered </em>saga discuss the creation of brand new IP <em>Batora: Lost Haven</em>

今日はThe developers of the <em>Remothered </em>saga discuss the creation of brand new IP <em>Batora: Lost Haven</em>についての情報をお届けするね!

Stormind Games discusses the development process behind the upcoming Batora: Lost Haven, spoke about creating picturesque environments and VFX for the…

【投稿元】Unreal Engineニュース : The developers of the <em>Remothered </em>saga discuss the creation of brand new IP <em>Batora: Lost Haven</em>


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